Monday, February 25, 2008

it's my turn~ :D

So proud of my CG members.
They have updated so many posts.
U guys so guai kay~ *big grin*

Me, the queen of showing off will be revealing my new toy here.
Dang, dang dang~

Nice nice nice nice nice??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not nice also said nice kay??

Ignore me.. this is the result for not having enough sleep for days. Lol~

Kk.. I want to talk about my CG.
My wonderful, awesomely lame CG.
I never like the idea of my CG calling itself lame.
Well.. who will ever want their CG to be know as L.A.M.E rite??
Everything somebody proposed to change the name, it will followed be somethin super lame.
Quote JC: "Well.. how am I supposed to change our CG name when everythin u gys do somethin so lame?"
So the name's stuck. This is what you get when u hv all senior gather together.
Since Jeff is not free to come, James is the only Alpha left. *need young blood desperately*

I always wonder what we'll we do if it's our turn to do any presentation.
Sure super lame one. Haha~
We'll crack some lame jokes, do some lame stuffs & introduce our lame Mascot, Louis~
So hopefully you guys will will give us loud applauds during our turn kay.

I'm going to end my lame post with this cute pic of our mascot.

Isn't he the cutest thing that ever exists?? *super duper big grin*
Byes ppl, thanks for readin ;)

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